Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Dreamspell Adventure Codespell

 Also known as daily affirmation, poem, prayer.

I'm Kin 23

I perfect in order to dream
Producing intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of magic

Pattern / Fill-in-the-Blank of Codespell

I [tone power] in order to [seal action]

[tone action]ing [seal essence]

I seal the [time cell] of [seal power]

With the [tone name] tone of [tone essence]

I am guided by the power of [seal power of guide]

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Seeker's Moon

1st quarter in sidereal Sagittarius 

On the seeker's moon, we allow ourselves to yearn. We allow ourselves to look at all the pain of all we do not know and that the slim likelihood of our ability to know not all of it but enough to satisfy us. It is a good time to seek out new spiritual experiences but only with an attitude of open minded curiosity, nothing goal oriented or you've missed the point. If you get nothing out of the experience this too can teach you something about yourself. ~ Moon Phase Astrology by Raven Kaldera

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I don't suffer from physical hunger; in fact, I think I've been eating too much. I guess I have a spiritual hunger. Paganism is where I feel most comfortable but there's not too much of a Pagan community in my area.

Tarot  - hanged man

Monday, March 18, 2019


Tarot - 8 of cups

What am I searching for? A new job, a way to lose way, how to go back to school, how to study for my Net+, getting over not having another baby, way to get over not ever having a relationship with my mother.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Vulnerability = 7 wands. Ever feel like the whole world is against you? Even worse when the thoughts in your head are against you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


New moon in sidereal Aquarius
Spirit de la Lune: new beginnings

It's that time again to attempt to follow the keywords for UU Lent. Dedication = 8 pentacles. This card happens to be my birth card. I guess the message is that I need to dedicate myself to myself. Time for self-care.